BEE-COMING a Professional Profitable-Publisher-preneur the "Write" Way
There's a big difference in being published and BEE-ING a publishing preneur. Nowadays, anyone can become a published author by writing and publishing their words their way using a free platform like a Kindle Direct Publishing to have their works up on Amazon in 24 to 72hrs. However, getting/being published doesn't guarantee profits, it just means that you're published. However, it does give you a sense of accomplishment.
If you want to profit from publishing, you must BEE-COME a publisher-preneur with an empire way of BEE-ING-NESS and develop yourself as a professional. When I say BEE-COME, I'm talking about leveraging BEE like characteristics for your ultimate success. Bees pollinate/cross-pollinate, create/distribute honey and so much more. Another great quality they possess is that their bodies defy the impossible with their ability to stay aerodynamic with their small wings.
Wouldn't you like to do the seemingly impossible with a profitable publishing empire?
To BEE a profitable publisher-preneur with a consistent scalable business, you must step outside of the traditional author's journey of only being one type of writer and explore writing for different niche markets as a cross-industries writer and publishing-preneur. This will allow you to cross-pollinate and cross-dominate as a professional publisher-preneur and create high-level/high-end impact and income because it will open up so many possibilities.
This way of BEE-ING-NESS will make you the HONEY COMB attraction magnet as a brand that will have others consistently taking advantage of your offers. Even though this is very possible, I must add that it's no easy feat when building a publishing empire. Books alone don't sell on their own nor does only having a few books under your belt.The publishing-preneur route is designed to help you to create consistent landslide book selling and more.
The most lucrative advantage is not only publishing books, but also blogging, ezine/magazine publishing and vlogging. These are all forms of publishing. Most authors limit themselves by only writing and publishing books. Leveraging several aspects of publishing allows you to cross-pollinate your efforts and scale better for success. The other forms of writing that I mentioned can be used in the forms of marketing communications and advertising.
Before you get started with building a professional publishing empire, you'll first need to level up as a professional in the general stance and develop yourself as a high-level impact influencer in your branding so that you can confidently show up as a leading authority that people come to LOVE, KNOW & TRUST. Once, you've anchored these core fundamentals, now you're ready to empire-tize your publishing-preneurial experience in a more massive and expansive way.
The training bundles and publications below will help you level up both professionally and BEE-COME a profitable publisher-preneur the"write" way.
Training Bundles
The Ultimate Professional Development Pro
BEE-COMING a High-Level Impact Influencer the "Write" Way
BEE-COMING a Cross-Pollination Publisher
Written by Stratoschool Vice President AliNICOLE WOW!
AliNICOLE WOW! brings forth the NEW NOW High-End Publisher-preneur WOW! Factor through her profitable and powerful demonstration of a cross-pollination-cross-domination brand and empire that features her creations of over 1,000 publication-product-based blog platforms and more than 300 publications on Amazon for different industries.